Automobile accidents happen every day. Besides damage to your car, they can cause a multitude of other issues. Injuries, medical bills, insurance rate hikes and missed wages can come as a direct result of serious car crashes, which is why important to exchange insurance information at the scene of the accident. This will ensure that […]
Motorcycles offer riders a great way to get around. For many folks, there is nothing like the experience of riding. While great to take your bike out on the open road during the warm summer days, motorcycles do pose a significant risk for injury accidents. Ohio currently ranks as the state with the fourth most […]
Whiplash is a very serious medical condition. It can cause severely debilitating injuries. It results from a sudden acceleration and deceleration force that causes unrestrained and rapid forward/backward movement of the head. Whiplash injury happens when the head and neck jolt in opposite directions causing strain or sprain. During a whiplash incident, different parts of […]
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