Protecting The Rights Of Injury Victims In COTA And School Bus Accidents

Accidents that involve a school bus or city bus can result in extremely serious injuries. Whether you were riding the bus or you were a driver or passenger in a vehicle that was hit by a bus, the potential for more severe injuries remains extremely high. If you suffered an injury in any type of bus accident, it is important that you seek the advice of a qualified COTA or school bus accident lawyer who knows the law and has the ability to protect your interests.

At Heit Law, LLC, in Westerville, Our personal injury lawyer focus my entire practice on helping injury victims throughout the Columbus area and across Ohio. Our auto accident attorney have successfully represented numerous clients in a variety of complex bus accident cases. I understand the types of injuries that can happen in these bus accidents, and I know the right approach to seeking school bus accident compensation that will accommodate your current and future needs.

Providing Innovative Solutions to Complex School Bus Accidents Claims

The Central Ohio Transportation Authority (COTA) is a state-sponsored agency that operates city buses throughout the region. School buses are under the authority of the individual school districts. The rules pertaining to lawsuits against government-protected parties are considerably different than those that govern a lawsuit against the driver of a personal vehicle.

Our school bus accident lawyer does not let the protected status of these parties stop me from seeking justice for the injuries you have suffered. Our school bus accident lawyer closely examine your case from every perspective, looking for a solution that will provide a favorable result. Our school bus accident attorneys work diligently to identify any cause that could allow you to pursue damages, including the negligence of a driver who hit the bus or otherwise caused the accident, negligent bus maintenance, defective equipment on the bus and other causes.

Contact My Office In Westerville To Discuss Your Bus Accident Claim

Learn more about your rights and legal options following a bus accident. Our school bus accident lawyer offer a free consultation where you can get your questions answered and get an honest opinion on the viability of your claim.

I handle all personal injury cases on a contingency fee basis. You don’t pay attorney fees unless we win. You can reach me by phone at 614-898-5300, toll free from anywhere in Ohio at 877-898-HEIT (4348) or contact me via email to schedule a free initial consultation.

Consultation Form

Columbus Location

2600 Corporate Exchange Dr #109
Columbus, OH 43231
Phone: 614-898-5300
Toll Free: 877-898-HEIT


Nashville Office

555 Marriott Dr Suite: 315
Nashville, TN 37214, USA

Phone: 615-962-3000