Does Medicare Cover Motorcycle Accidents in Ohio?

Post By Corey Heit
Does Medicare Cover Motorcycle Accidents in Ohio?

Motorcycles are a popular choice of transportation for drivers in Ohio and throughout the United States. But just as car accidents happen, so do motorcycle accidents. In fact, the 2023 Ohio State Patrol Traffic Safety Bulletin noted that from 2018 to 2022, a total of 18,890 motorcycle related accidents had occurred on Ohio roadways.

And while out of those accidents only 5,296 motorcyclists sustained serious injuries, that number can raise questions for anyone who may be involved in a motorcycle accident. Questions following a motorcycle accident can range from what next steps to take to seek legal action, who exactly will cover your medical bills afterwards, and whether or not certain insurances, like Medicare, cover motorcycle accidents.

Below, we are going to answer questions related to motorcycle insurance and how it works in Ohio following a motorcycle accident.

What Does Motorcycle Insurance Cover in Ohio?

Just like other types of motor vehicle insurance, motorcycle insurance can typically cover a range of different things. Some common elements that motorcycle insurance may cover include:

  • Bodily injury liability
  • Collision
  • Property damage liability
  • Physical damage
  • Medical bills and personal injury
  • Gear and accessories

The above are commonly included in motorcycle insurance policies and are meant to help cover damage and expenses in the case of an accident or other incidents that can occur. For example, if a motorcyclist or passenger is hurt while riding on their motorcycle, personal injury coverage will help cover medical expenses whereas bodily injury liability will help to cover injuries for other parties if the motorcyclist is at fault for the accident.

It is important to note that Ohio does have minimum state requirements when it comes to insurance for any motor vehicle. These minimum state requirements are:

  • Proof of insurance that can be shown at accident scenes, traffic stops, and vehicle inspections
  • Minimum insurance coverage of the following:
    • $25,000 for property damage in case of an accident
    • $25,000 for the injury and/or death of one person
    • $50,000 for the injury and/or death of two or more people

Any additional coverage options that a motorcyclist may want to include on their insurance policy is up to them, but the above are required by the state of Ohio.

If you have additional questions related to what motorcycle insurance covers in Ohio, especially if you have received injuries from a motorcycle accident due to the negligence of another, please reach out to our Columbus motorcycle accident attorney. We can answer questions you may have and help educate you on your legal rights.

Does Medicare Cover Motorcycle Accidents in Ohio?

Medicare may cover motorcycle accidents in Ohio, but just as with any type of injury or accident that you may be impacted by, you will need to double check your insurance coverage or policy.

What health insurance will cover or will not cover will depend entirely on the specific policy that the person who is insured holds. Some policies will cover motorcycle and other motor vehicle accidents, while others may not.

Who Pays Your Medical Bills After a Rear-End Crash in Ohio?

Since Ohio is an at-fault state, the person who is at fault for a rear-end motorcycle crash will be held liable for any injuries that you may receive. To receive financial compensation for your injuries from the person who rear-ended you, you will need to file a personal injury claim against the party responsible for the crash.

Fault will need to be proven in a personal injury claim related to a motorcycle accident or a rear-end crash, which is something that a Columbus motorcycle accident attorney can assist with. To determine fault in an accident, the following must be proven:

  • The driver had a duty of care to others on the roadway to exercise caution
  • The driver breached that duty of care and put others at risk
  • The driver’s negligence resulted in the accident or crash involving the motorcycle
  • That you suffered injuries and/or damages as a result of the accident

If these elements can be established to prove fault, then you may be able to receive compensation from a personal injury claim including:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost income
  • Pain and suffering

Connect with a Columbus Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Following a motorcycle accident where you receive injuries due to another person’s negligence, you may have grounds to seek compensation from the liable party. Do not put off seeking legal representation following a motorcycle accident.

Reach out to Heit Law, LLC today to speak with an experienced Columbus motorcycle accident attorney. We offer free and confidential consultations and all personal injury cases are handled on a contingency fee basis. Reach us by phone at 614-898-5300 or by connecting with us online.

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